• See if I can describe this correctly. I’m working on a rewrite of our site for a radio program on KPFA.

    Current site: https://www.gunsandbutter.net
    New site: https://www.gunsandbutter.net/wordpress2

    I wrote a plugin to track the shows we broadcast. It’s just my old code posrted into a plugin. I’m also using EventCalendar 3.1 and podPress even though I’m going to have to rewrite signifigant portions of podPress for it to work with my plan.

    But here’s what I want to do. I want to be able to write a Post, mark somewhere it’s a show like EventCalendar does for an event. When I publish it, my Show Archive plugin will be called and the show will be entered into the Show Archives table if it doesn’t already exist. I’m just not sure how to initiate an event upon publishing a post or how to integrate my plugin to be aware of this situation.


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