• Any new pages do not work with custom permalinks.

    Existing pages do.

    Nothing changes if I

    set permalinks to default, and back to custom
    delete .htaccess, set permalinks to default, and back to custom
    disable plugins, set permalinks to default, and back to custom
    disable plugins, reinstall wordpress, and set permalinks to default, and back to custom

    After changing back to 2011, if I change to default permalinks, the page would show, but changing back to /%category%/%postname% and the same issue occurs, even for old pages.

    WP 3.3.1 running on Apache

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  • Are you sure that the rewrite module on the apache server is on. Some time ago I had a similar problem and it turned out that my provider had migrated my account to a (new) server but hadn’t enabled the rewrite module.

    Thread Starter SRD75


    Yes, lockettpots, otherwise the existing pages would not work at all, yet they do.

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