• I have a site using a child theme of Twenty Thirteen. I created a custom page template and assigned it to the appropriate pages by selecting it from the template dropdown in the page attribute section. However, when I view the live pages, they seem to still be accessing the default page template and not the custom one.

    Even more strange, when I view the page source, the custom template class displays in the body tag, but none of the other changes are appearing.

    I’ve started over several time in case I missed a step and have read through forums but I still have no idea what is going wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    template filename is template-members.php

     * Template Name: Members

    <body class="page page-id-1810 page-template page-template-templates page-template-template-members page-template-templatestemplate-members-php logged-in admin-bar customize-support">

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