Hi, Sorry you are having issues. Some things you might check:
– Was the page published or was it saved as a draft? If it is a draft then on the page edit screen there is a button on the right side that says ‘preview’. If it was published, then on the editor screen, there should be a link near the top that says ‘view page’.
– Is there a page of the same name in the trash? If so, delete it all the way.
– From the admin, you can click on ‘settings’ on the left and then ‘permalinks’. Just going to that page will clear those, in case you made a change to the site structure.
– A general troubleshooting step to see if an issue is related to a theme is to switch to a default theme (if you are not using one already).
– A general troubleshooting step to see if it is an issue with a plugin is to disable them and see if the problem goes away. If it does, then re-enable them one by one to see which one was causing the issue.
I hope one of these ideas helps. If not, maybe you could add some more information, like what theme or plugins you are using? Also, depending on your web host, some of them have good WordPress support and can take a look for you.