@drewshen Well done! Proud of you!! lol!! I suggest the first one, as its easier to do for you and potential clients if they ever needed to have such a page! All you got to do know is change some css…
In your new page template there should be a main div thats something like <div id="sideleft"></div>
thats if you just copied the original page template and just removed the get command for the sidebar! change that id to anything you want, eg pagecenter. Then go into your css, you should find the sideleft id’s there. All you do know is you copy that and all classes that relate to that id and change the id’s to pagecenter. That way you keep the css for that page template.
Now just change the width of that pagecenter id(or what I would presume would be a margin seeing that your using the default theme) to the total width of the sideleft plus the sidebar width. that should sove your blank space problem…
@benamram I like what you’ve done, just some advice… Maybe increase the spacing between your paragraphs in your css, its a lil hard to read…
Secondly, this is kind of a solution to your problem but also not really the exact one your looking for (which I’m not really sure how to do), I feel its good practice to add a “read more” tag to your posts, that way it gives a small introduction to your post, and gives them a reason to click to read the whole post and then leave a comment.
By doing that you dont bombard your readers with all the information, they can quickly scan through the info and see what they like and want to read, and it keeps your blog clutter free… So in the end you have a happy reader base.
Please note I am not criticizing, only trying to help out…
Hope this helps!