Custom menu links bug
Hi developer,
I am facing a bug in the latest 3 versions of your plugin.
I hope you understand my explanation.
I have a menu with some custom links. The HREF for all these menu item = #. Below those menu items i have sub items which are linked to real wordpress pages.
If i am visiting the website and standing on the home page ( all the custom menu items get the class “current-menu-item”.
The problem only exists when visiting the home page, not the others.
I have looked up your code, and noticed this change causes the problems:
function qtrans_parseURL($url) { $result = parse_url($url); if ($result === false) return __legacy_qtrans_ParseURL($url); $result = $result + array( 'scheme' => '', 'host' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'path' => '', 'query' => '', 'fragment' => '' ); if (isset($result['port'])) $result['host'] .= ':'. $result['port']; return $result; } function __legacy_qtrans_ParseURL($url) { $r = '!(?:(\w+)://)?(?:(\w+)\:(\w+)@)?([^/:]+)?'; $r .= '(?:\:(\d*))?([^#?]+)?(?:\?([^#]+))?(?:#(.+$))?!i'; preg_match ( $r, $url, $out ); $result = @array( "scheme" => $out[1], "host" => $out[4].(($out[5]=='')?'':':'.$out[5]), "user" => $out[2], "pass" => $out[3], "path" => $out[6], "query" => $out[7], "fragment" => $out[8] ); return $result; }
This is the structure of my menu:
home custom menu item 1 with url = # - Sub item to real page 1 - Sub item to real page 2 - Sub item to real page 3 custom menu item 2 with url = # - Sub item to real page 1 - Sub item to real page 2 - Sub item to real page 3 custom menu item 3 with url = # - Sub item to real page 1 - Sub item to real page 2 - Sub item to real page 3
The problem stops after replacing this code with the old code from a previous version.
I hope you are able to fix this bug.
Kind regards,
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