• Hi there

    I have a problem that I can’t seem to solve on my own:
    I’m doing this portfolio for a photographer friend, and we’re uploading each picture as a new blog entry, attaching it using the “featured image”-feature.
    That’s not the problem, works fine.

    The thing is I want to be able to cycle through all the pictures, jcarousel-wise, in each category. Right now when viewing a single picture, I load it through the single-post-template-file, and then using next_post_link() and previous_post_link(), you can go to the next or previous picture. That also work fine.

    But I figure, if I want to able to loop through the pictures with jcarousel, I need to write some changes to the loop in the single-post-template.

    I need to load:
    1. the current post (like now; post no. 5 for instance in a category)
    2. all the next posts in the category (no. 5 to 10 for instance)
    3. all the posts before the current post (no. 1 to 4 for instance)

    I don’t suspect this to be too complicated, I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it on my own.
    Thank you very much to everyone with ideas to throw in.


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  • What about this approach:

    • Save the current post
    • Get the category and ID of the current post
    • Get all posts in that category
    • Loop through the array of posts checking IDs against the saved ID
    • Until you find the saved ID copy posts to the ‘before’ array
    • After you find the saved ID, copy to the ‘after’ array
    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    Thank you for that, I’ll try it out and get back to you!

    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    So, I couldn’t quite figure out how to do the whole “copy posts to array”-deal, so I endedup doing this instead:


    Or in other words:

    • Display the first loop and save the id in a variable
    • Create a new loop that checks against the variable to make sure it only displays the following posts
    • Create a third loop that checks against the variable to make sure it only displays the items that are “younger” than the original post

    This seems to me to be a bit ineffecient, very php and database request-heavy, so if there’s a smarter way, please let me know!

    Sorry for the confusion. If you do a query to get all posts in the category, they are in an array in $wp_query->posts. You can treat this just like any other array.

    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    So the thing I don’t understand is how I store those posts that are either too “young” or too “old” to be displayed yet, in another array.

    Can I just go:

    if ( $original_post >= $post->ID ) $before[] = $wp_query->posts;


    And even if that’s the case, how do I then retrieve those posts from the before-array, when I’m ready to use them?

    I’m sorry, but I’ve read the Codex entrys on the loop so many times, but it’s still very complicated to me.


    I think this will work (UNTESTED). Assume current post ID is in $current_ID:

    $found_current = 0;
    foreach ($wp_query->posts as $apost) {
       if ($apost->ID == $current_ID) {
          $found_current = 1;
       } elseif ($found_current) {
          $after[] = $apost;
       } else {
          $before[] = $apost;
    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    Thank you, but still: I don’t understand how I can then go ahead and actually retrieve/display those posts in the wanted order?

    Is this better?

    query_posts( array ('category_name' => $categoryname, 'posts_per_page' =>-1));
    if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
       $found_current = 0;
       if ( $original_post == $post->ID ) {
          $found_current = 1;
       } elseif ($found_current) {
          // do after stuff
       } else {
          //do before stuff
    endwhile; endif;
    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    Nope ??

    It just loops through all the posts in a regular order starting at number 1.

    And what I don’t understand is, you say
    elseif ($found_current)
    but “if found_current” what? I guess its just a syntax I’m unfamiliar with, but it seems to me you’re not comparing it against anything?

    But thank you anyway.

    Did you replace lines 9 – 19 in your pastebin code with the lines I gave you? The value of $original_post is set in line 5, so that first loop must remain.

    The if statement translated: if ($found_current has a value other than zero)

    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    I tried that now, and it doesn’t quite work. Assume I’m viewing post no. 5, it ends up showing first post no 5 (yay), but then it shows 1,2,3,4, and 6,7,8,9,10 etc.
    But what I want is: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and then, 1, 2, 3, 4.
    Oh well.

    Just reverse the posts array:

    query_posts( array ('category_name' => $categoryname, 'posts_per_page' =>-1));
    if ( have_posts() ) :
       $wp_query->posts = array_reverse($wp_query->posts);
       while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
          // rest of the code

    EDIT: That won’t quite give you what you want. I will work on a solution and get back to you.

    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    Hah, now it shows 5, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1. What a mess.

    But thanks fot not losing faith ??

    Please give this a try:

    query_posts( array ('category_name' => $categoryname, 'posts_per_page' =>-1));
    if ( have_posts() ) :
       $before = array();
       $after = array();
       $found_current = 0;
       for ($i=0;$i < sizeof($wp_query->posts) ; ++$i ) {
          $this_post = $wp_query->posts[$i];
          if ($original_post == $this_post->ID) {
             $save_current = $this_post;
             $found_current = 1;
          } elseif ($found_current) {
             $after[] = $this_post;
          } else {
             $before[] = $this_post;
       $before[] = $save_current;
       $wp_query->posts = array_merge(array_reverse($before), array_reverse($after));
       while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
          if ($post->ID == $original_post) continue;
    Thread Starter alexvaxx


    It works! Sort of.. I took out the array_reverse function and just merged the arrays like this
    array_merge($after, $before);
    And that did the trick, the posts show up like this now: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4. Fantastic. Thank you very much. But tell me:
    1. Is your version more efficient than the one I posted in the pastebin?
    2. Only if you have the time, could you explain to me what lines 3-15 in your code exactly do, just so that I feel like I’ve learned something ??


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