Here is how the custom link works in this plugin.
1. In the settings for “Adv.Slider”, in your chosen “Template” tab (open the tab for the list of settings), scroll down to the label “Title & Excerpt”. In the settings under this label, find “link type” and select “custom” in the drop list. Then click “save” for that section.
2. Go to the post you want the custom link to apply. In the post (not page, its the “posts” you made, the slider does not include pages), make sure the “screen options” at the top (click that tab to open) has all options selected (which is best), then close the tab.
3. Scroll the page down to find “Custom Fields”. I believe you will likely see only one custom field already there called “single_layout”. Just below that, click the “Add New Custom Field”. There is a drop list there, open it and see if you can find “advps_custom_link”.
If that selection is not there, just below that field box is “create new” click that and the drop box just above it becomes a text field. Insert into it “advps_custom_link”. , then to the right in the long “value” box, enter the URL you want the post to include. If the link is within your own WordPress site, you can remove “”
URL is “”
change to>> “/pages/this-page-to-read” (note: do not include quotes, that makes the value as invalid)
Once the value is completed, click the “Add Custom Field” button and you will see it appear just above the “single_layout” one.
4. Click “update” for that post and its done.
Note, for this plugin, this custom field only applies to the title of the post you see displayed in the slider, it does not make the entire image or text description become a link (which it should since on mobile screens makes clicking the linked item better to “tap”).