Hey @gnrcmp9
Thanks for reaching out today, hope you are staying safe!
That warning is simply telling you that eBay removed some of your own item specifics with item specifics from the eBay catalog details. If you are okay with that, then you can ignore this warning. eBay is simply letting you know what change they made. So if you are okay with that, you can ignore this warning. It won’t effect your rank on eBay or status of the listing.
Or you could try disabling the “Use Catalog Details” (unfortunately this is a global setting used in the listing profile, not on a per product basis) in the listing profile and see if that fixes this, it should. eBay does not allow certain categories to use product catalog details and your own item specifics, you must use one or the other and if you want to provide your own item specifics for this listing, you should disable the “Use catalog details” setting in the listing profile, then revise the “Changed” listing(s) on the listings page of WP-Lister.
Or you could duplicate the current listing profile in use and add a suffix to the listing profile’s title, something like “No Catalog Details”, and disable the “Use catalog details” setting in that listing profile.
Next, you would select the listings on the “Listings” page of WP-Lister, then select “Change Profile” on the bulk action drop down menu and click Apply. Select that new listing profile you duplicated.
Lastly, revise the “Changed” items on the “Listings” page of WP-Lister. You then can use that listing profile for the listings you wish to not have WP-Lister over ride your specifications with catalog details.
Kind regards,