• Resolved Jenny Beaumont


    Hi there,

    Just posted to another thread, then realized it had been resolved (sorry), so starting a new one. I’d like to customize my header area to 1) have the logo be the width of the document (I’ve already removed the blog info text and description), 2) remove the border bottom which apparently is a default with TCPDF. I’ve checked the TCPDF documentation, but am so far not able to implement any of the custom code they suggest. I’ve also tried changing logo width, header / top margins in the config file – to no avail. Logo doesn’t change size.



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  • Thread Starter Jenny Beaumont


    Spoke too soon.

    Finally was able to set header logo width by tweaking
    $logowidth = (int)((14 * $logodata[0]) / $logodata[1]);
    changing 14 to 33

    also was able to remove the border bottom of the header by commenting out line 4326 of tcpdf.php

    Would be awesome to include some customization options in future versions to avoid mucking with the code (and hence losing changes in future updates)!

    cheers – great plugin, am loving it!

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