custom grid won't show blank tiles using periods
When I want to use a custom grid layout like:
[wp-tiles grid=”AA.BB|AAC.D|.EE.F”]
Each time, it displays the grid ignoring the periods. Am I missing a setting somewhere, or not understanding something about the function of the periods?
On the above test website, I’ll show the different shortcodes I’m using. None of them have the blank tiles.
1.[wp-tiles post_type=”post” orderby=”title” grid=”AA.BB|AAC.D|.EE.F” order=”ASC” posts_per_page=”20″ category=”408″ tag=”” tax_operator=”IN” offset=”0″ post_status=”publish” ignore_sticky_posts=”false” exclude_current_post=”true”]
[wp-tiles post_type=”post” orderby=”title” grid=”AABB|AACD|EF” order=”ASC” posts_per_page=”20″ category=”408″ tag=””]
[wp-tiles post_type=”post” orderby=”title” grid=”AA.BB|AAC.D|.EE.F” order=”ASC” category=”408″]
[wp-tiles grid=”AA.BB|AAC.D|.EE.F|.EEG.”]
[wp-tiles post_type=”post” orderby=”title” order=”ASC” posts_per_page=”20″ category=”408″ tag=”” tax_operator=”IN” offset=”0″ post_status=”publish” ignore_sticky_posts=”false” exclude_current_post=”true”]
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