Custom fields on custom post types…
Hello, I need some help or at least pointing in the right direction…
Is there a way of creating a custom forms for a custom post type page – I know you can use the drop down ‘Custom Fields’ but I wan to remove that and actually program in some ‘physical’ fields that a user just has to enter content in…
So for example I make a Custom Post Type for Movies (with its own page to enter details), I wand to use the main field for the content then underneath some set fields for say: Director, Year, Actors, etc so there is a field the user just has to enter info in (instead of using the drop down menus), also is it possible to make one of those fields a media field so a user can upload a file (image / music / doc / etc) instead of having to upload a file and copying the link in to the ‘traditional’ custom post fields.
The reason I having trouble with this is I don’t know what term I need to search for as ‘Custom Post Fields’, ‘Custom Forms’ etc all point to how the current custom fields work!
I hope some one an either point me in the direction of an example, tutorial or even any input would be really helpful.
Hoep that makes sense – Jack
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