Custom fields not available in slideshow view
I have a couple of custom fields (title, etc.) that I added and have information in the testimonial data.I would like to display them in the slideshow view that I have created, but when I click on the Add Field, none of the custom fields that I have added are available. The only options are client_name, company_name, and company_website. Its the same with the single template also. I have checked off the show in admin list on the field settings.
Am I missing something? Thanks.
What are the exact names (not labels) of your custom fields?
Do your added fields appear on the testimonial form?
Hi Chris
Thanks for getting back to me – yes, they do display on the form. I’ve added a test page just to make sure: specific field names are title and new_field (I added this one as a test this morning)
On this page I also included a screenshot of the options that I see when I try and add a new field.
I’m also including our system report just in case it’s something wonky with something in our install. we are running Version 2.32 of your Strong Testimonials:
Avada Versions:### Avada Versions ###
Current Version: 5.6.2
Previous Version: No previous versions could be detected### WordPress Environment ###
Home URL:
Site URL:
WP Content Path: /home/mainstreettech/public_html/wp-content
WP Path: /home/mainstreettech/public_html/
WP Version: 4.9.8
WP Multisite: –
PHP Memory Limit: 256 MB
WP Debug Mode: –
Language: en_US### Server Environment ###
Server Info: Apache
PHP Version: 7.0.32. WordPress recommendation: 7.2 or above. See WordPress Requirements for details.
PHP Post Max Size: 8 MB
PHP Time Limit: 90 – We recommend setting max execution time to at least 180.See: Increasing max execution to PHP
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000 – Recommended Value: 1760.Max input vars limitation will truncate POST data such as menus. See: Increasing max input vars limit.
SUHOSIN Installed: –
ZipArchive: ?
MySQL Version: 5.6.40
Max Upload Size: 8 MB
DOMDocument: ?
WP Remote Get: ?
WP Remote Post: ?
GD Library: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)### Updates Server Status ###
Check Envato Server Status:
Check ThemeFusion Server Status:
:### Active Plugins (15) ###
Bulk Move: by Sudar
Child Theme Configurator: by Lilaea Media
Classic Editor: by WordPress Contributors
Fusion Builder: by ThemeFusion
Fusion Core: by ThemeFusion
Gutenberg: by Gutenberg Team
LLM Hubspot Blog Import: by LimeLight Marketing
Page Links To: by Mark Jaquith
Post grid and filter ultimate: by WP Online Support
Simple Staff List: by Brett Shumaker
Team WD: by WebDorado
Strong Testimonials: by Chris Dillon (Version 2.32)
Team Members: by WP Darko
Term Management Tools: by scribu
Yoast SEO: by Team YoastThanks for the info. I don’t see any problems there and I’m not aware of any conflicts with those plugins. I am unable to reproduce the problem on a simple test site with Avada 5.6.2.
Avada is a beast, both front and back. If you can address its recommendations in that report, it may help or at least let us rule it out.
PHP Time Limit: 90 – We recommend setting max execution time to at least 180.See: Increasing max execution to PHP
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000 – Recommended Value: 1760.Max input vars limitation will truncate POST data such as menus. See: Increasing max input vars limit.Try logging out and clearing your browser cache, or at least a Ctrl+F5 (Cmd+R) on the view admin page. Try a novel browser (if you use Chrome, try Firefox and vice versa).
The same its happining to this site:
Started happening with some Testimonials after some testimonials.
For example the one:
Gracias totales
Logros me ha ayudado mucho porque he subido mi nivel académico, he aprendido a estudiar solo, no me da tanta pereza estudiar.Jerónimo
Septiembre 26, 2018
”its missing the Last Name field.
Any ideas. Thank You!
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
I made the adjustments as suggested, and that didn’t do anything.
I deactivated the plugin and reactivated it, then went and edited the custom fields and resaved them. Then the fields started appearing. Strange.Strange indeed. I will try to find the cause.
Hi Chris
I guess, I have the same problem.
Fields appear on the testimonial form but not in the slideshow view. “Show this field in the admin list table” is checked off. I cleared the cache, deleted the plugin and installed it again. Still same problem.
Am I doing anything wrong? Or is there a solution available?
Best, Tom
Hi Tom,
Adding or deleting custom fields does not automatically update the views.
To clarify, when you click on Add Field in the view editor, your custom fields are not listed?
Thanks Chris for getting back to me.
Yes, when I “Add Field” in the view editor, the custom fields are not in the list. In the list there are only three preexisting options under custom: “client_name”, “company_name” and “company_website”.
But the following seems odd and might help: If I add a new costum field by “Add New Field”, select “text”, Label “New Field”, Name “new_field”, save, then go back and click on this new field, the “Type” ist not labelled as “text” like the preexisting fields “client_name” etc. This would explain, why this option ist not in the list. But I don’t know why this is missing.
Thanks for the additional information.
@callerpatty, @portskea, @thoris I have not been able to reproduce the problem. If you could perform this troubleshooting step, it will help me narrow down the cause.
The purpose of this step is to monitor the field addition process. The fields editor uses JavaScript and Ajax. Themes and other plugins may also be loading JavaScript on that page which may be inadvertently interfering.
In Chrome or Firefox, go to the testimonial fields editor. Hit F12 to open the Developer tools and select the Console tab. Add a new field of any type without saving your changes.
Disregard warnings in yellow. If there are error messages in red, it would help further if you would post a link to a screenshot of those errors. If you prefer, you can attach screenshots to a private support ticket here.
I sent you the screenshots by a support ticket. The error message says: “request has been forbidden by antivirus” …
Thanks for your ultra fast support in the private support area. As you recommended, I whitelisted my website in my antivirus settings and now it works. Awesome and thanks!
(Kasperky Internet Security, Web-Anti-Virus settings)
This one came up when adding a new field one came up whe viewing the form in settings You!
One thing that I just noticed its knownig that I have selected in the settings to show the recent testimonial first and to adjust the vertical hight its not happening and the view.
And the latest testmonial its not showing at all, this testimonial was created after adding the new field “apellido” (lastname) having in mind that its publicated as the others
Hope it helps. Thank You!
@portskea Thanks for the screenshots.
The first one that came up when adding a field is a minor error that should not prevent anything from working. I will fix that in the next update.
The second one that mentions HappyForms may be a problem. I suggest you ask HappyForms about that.
The original post was about adding fields in the view editor, not the form fields editor. It sounds like you are able to add a new field (“apellido”). New fields are not automatically added to the views; you have to add them manually. Are you able to add your new field in the Custom Fields section of the view editor?
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
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