• Resolved benklocek


    Would it be possible to include a filter on $bcd->custom_fields around line 2224 of ThreeWP-Broadcast.php?

    I have repeater fields from ACF whose meta_key is dynamically created. I would like to filter and add those fields to the whitelist when the post is broadcast.


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  • Plugin Author edward_plainview


    What version of BC are you using? I’ve refactored a lot of code lately and line 2224 doesn’t exist anymore.

    But at any rate, have you looked at the include/actions/broadcasting_modify_post.php file?

    Thread Starter benklocek


    Looks like I have 6. Someones been BUSY! ??

    On 11: In broadcasting_modify_post.php does $broadcasting_data contain the original post content?

    How does one use these actions? Is is just as usual in my plugin or functions.php?

    add_action('broadcasting_modify_post', 'my_modifying_function');

    Plugin Author edward_plainview



    If you look at the includes/actions/broadcasting_modify_post.php, find the string

    The BCD contains the ->modified_post object to which you write your changes.

    which perhaps explains what you need to do, yes?

    Thread Starter benklocek


    Yes, that does the trick.

    And thanks Edward for your great support (on all support requests for your plugins).

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