• pete polivol


    Hello fellow people.

    I am gonna start right away:

    Setup explanation:
    I have 2 portfolio categories (using Avada theme) and I have two different sets of custom fields for each category. I have managed to properly show the correct set of field for the two different categories thus far.

    $fields = get_field_objects(); 
    if ( $fields ) { ?>
    <table class="cf-table" width="auto">
      <thead><th style="float: left;">HEADING 1</th></thead>
          <?php foreach ( $fields as $field_name => $field ) {
             if ($field['type'] == 'true_false') { ?>
                     <?php echo $field['label']; ?></td><td>✓
             <?php }
          } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    What i want to do now is to show a different < thead > based upon the category the post belongs in. I know that this would normally be achieved by using something like:

    $fields = get_field_objects();

    if ( $fields ) { ?>

    <table class=”cf-table” width=”auto”>

    <?php if (is_category(4)) { ?>
    <thead><th style=”float: left;”>HEADING 1</th></thead>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <thead><th style=”float: left;”>HEADING 2</th></thead>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php foreach ( $fields as $field_name => $field ) {
    if ($field[‘type’] == ‘true_false’) { ?>
    <?php echo $field[‘label’]; ?></td><td>✓
    <?php }
    } ?>


    <?php } ?>


    So my questions are:
    1) Since is_category is not used for custom posts like avada portfolio, which is the correct equivalent ?

    2) Is this syntax correct?

    All tips are appreciated! ??

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter pete polivol


    Oh man… I think i found it so i am posting this in case someone else needs it.

       $fields = get_field_objects();
       global $post;
       if ( $fields ) { ?>
          <table class="cf-table" width="auto">
            <?php if ( has_term('troxospita', 'portfolio_category')) { ?>
               <thead><th style="float: left;">HEADING 1</th></thead>
            <?php } else { ?>
               <thead><th style="float: left;">HEADING 2</th></thead>
            <?php } ?>
              <?php foreach ( $fields as $field_name => $field ) {
                 if ($field['type'] == 'true_false') { ?>
                         <?php echo $field['label']; ?>
                 <?php }
              } ?>
    <?php } ?>


    Hi Pete,

    How would you alter this code to display logo1 versus logo2 depending on the page in Avada? Or just to have a different color scheme depending on the type of page?

    Many thanks,



    Hi Pete,

    How would you alter this code to display logo1 versus logo2 depending on the page in Avada? Or just to have a different color scheme depending on the type of page?

    Many thanks,

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