ok.. here it goes.. you know as those big encyclopedias can have shown only post with first beginning letter. when you click on A, generates post list that post name starts with letter A, same with B and etc.. whole alphabet..
so.. i created function that creates custom field automatically with key of “letter” and value is first letter of post title.
$first_letter = substr(“$letter_title”, 0, 1);
this part worked. then i created list of alphabet links and added at end of each link “?letter=A”,”?letter=B” etc.. after that i played with php..
<?php $letter = $_POST['letter'];
if(isset($letter)) {$posts = query_posts('meta_key=letter&meta_value=$letter');} else {$posts = query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc' . '&showposts=10');} ?>
second else part worked but when $letter was set, post didnt shown..
hope you will understand..