Hi @agent365,
I am trying to map Custom Field 2 to the product’s shipping class.
ShipStation supports up to three custom fields that may contain extra data you want sent to the ShipStation orders section.
Custom Field 1 contains coupon codes used in an order. Enabled by default.
Custom Fields 2 and 3?can be customized with?a snippet in which you define the name of meta data you want to export. Learn more about this snippet here: https://woo.com/document/shipstation-for-woocommerce/#export-custom-field-data-to-shipstation.
Is the proper meta_key ‘_wc_shipping_class’ ?
The shipping class isn’t stored as a meta key in the database, it’s stored as a term in the wp_terms table.
We are unable to provide support for customizations under our?Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, select a?WooExpert or Developer?for assistance.
I hope this helps so far!