custom event scope behaving strangely!
I’ve been looking at this tutorial reused the code here: can’t notice anything wrong with the code, but I am getting events dating way back being pulled in!
See here, the event in India is a good example of one that shouldn’t be there: is set to ‘nextfornight’ with this code in my functions.php file:
/* Custom events scope */
add_filter( ’em_events_build_sql_conditions’, ‘my_em_scope_conditions’,1,2);
function my_em_scope_conditions($conditions, $args){
if( !empty($args[‘scope’]) && $args[‘scope’]==’nextfortnight’ ){
$start_date = date(‘Y-m-d’,current_time(‘timestamp’));
$end_date = date(‘Y-m-d’,strtotime(“+14 days”, current_time(‘timestamp’)));
$conditions[‘scope’] = ” (event_start_date BETWEEN CAST(‘$start_date’ AS DATE) AND CAST(‘$end_date’ AS DATE)) OR (event_end_date BETWEEN CAST(‘$end_date’ AS DATE) AND CAST(‘$start_date’ AS DATE))”;
return $conditions;
}add_filter( ’em_get_scopes’,’my_em_scopes’,1,1);
function my_em_scopes($scopes){
$my_scopes = array(
‘nextfortnight’ => ‘Next Fortnight’
return $scopes + $my_scopes;
}Whats going wrong?!
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