Custom Element missing on hour/minute container
I bought the Advanced DateTime Picker addon but still, I have some specific needs that I need to implement via custom code.
I noticed today that in the TimePicker template (fields-date.html) the custom “Element” name that you can assign for a field in admin is added only to pikaday__container (for compatibility). Still, it is not added to the new hour/minute <div>.
<script id="tmpl-nf-field-date" type="text/template"> <div class="pikaday__container"><!-- Pikaday mentions were added for backwards compatibility --> <input id="nf-field-<code></code>" name="nf-field-<code></code>" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="nf-error-<code></code>" class="<code>data.renderClasses()</code> nf-element datepicker pikaday__display pikaday__display--pikaday" aria-labelledby="nf-label-field-<code></code>" <code>data.maybeRequired()</code> type="date" value="<code>_.escape( data.value )</code>" <code>data.renderPlaceholder()</code> > </div> <# if ( data.maybeRenderTime() ) { #> <div style="float:left;"> <select class="hour extra"> <code>data.renderHourOptions()</code> </select> </div> <div style="float:left;"> <select class="minute extra"> <code>data.renderMinuteOptions()</code> </select> </div> <code>data.maybeRenderAMPM()</code> <# } #> </script>
Is it possible to add that in the next version?
Or is there any way to override that HTML file in my child theme?Thank you
ps. Do you have any publicly accessible Git repo or issues tracking system?
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