Hello my friend this
added to the element is so that the element is actually overwritten, but you have to hit the class or id on which it is found.
Open the preview elements by pressing F12, click the arrow and go right to that button.
Check what class it contains or id.
If you want to do a test yet, add it right there by the style tab, placing the desirable attribute with
to see if it works.
<button class = “w3plugin800”> alo </ button>
put the css:
/* Attention, do not forget the point! if it’s class*/
.w3plugin800 {
color: red! important;
/ * others elements with !important * /
element styles are required to be overwritten, unless in element the attribute you want to change, already contains the
That button element you want to change the style, it comes from some plugin?
Try to do what I said, if you can not, press f12, go to that element and take a photo of that element, share with me.
And if possible, take a picture of how you are doing too.
Use the site below to share photos via link:
greetings from Brazil!
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by