• Resolved jacksghost



    In our month calendar view, I would like to change just a few CSS items for the Month Title. I read through your website support and I found the “tribe-events-full.min.css” includes these options:
    h3.tribe-events-month-event-title { font-size:13px; }
    h3.tribe-events-month-event-title a { font-size:100%; }

    I created the “tribe-events.css” for my custom code and I entered this:

    h3.tribe-events-month-event-title { text-decoration:underline; }
    h3.tribe-events-month-event-title a { color: #002E52; font-size:80%; }

    When I publish, my “tribe-events.css” settings do not seem to overwrite the code in the default file. The new Color and Underline settings display correctly, but these 2 options are not included in the default file code. However, the Font-Size which is in the default file code will not change.

    If I change the Font-Size to 80% in the default file: “tribe-events-full.min.css” it displays correctly, but I know we should not update that file directly. When I add the new Font-Size 80% to the custom code file, it does not overwrite the original code.


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  • Brook


    Howdy Jacksghost,

    You might checkout the non mimified tribe-events-full.css file. It might make this a little clearer. The full CSS rule you are wanting override is:

    #tribe-events-content .tribe-events-calendar div[id*="tribe-events-event-"] h3.tribe-events-month-event-title {
    	line-height: 1.25;
    	font-size: 13px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	font-weight: normal;
    	font-family: sans-serif;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	text-transform: none;
    	margin: 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	letter-spacing: 0;
    .tribe-events-calendar div[id*="tribe-events-event-"] h3.tribe-events-month-event-title a {
    	font-size: 100%;

    As you can see it is a little more specific than the rule you have setup in your tribe-events file. Because it is more specific, it wins when the browsers has the two compete against each other.

    Please let us know if there was someone way we could make this clearer. I am stoked that you were able to figure this all out based on our tutorial, but if there is something more we can do we would love to know. Cheers!

    – Brook

    The default cs sheet loaded is the minified one.
    How can we overwrite this to load the non-minified css?

    Ok. I deleted the minified one. Now the readable one is loaded correctly. ?? Thanks anyway !

    Hello, i would also like to ask something similar with hsolatges.If i want to ovveride the predefined css loaded how can i do it? It is rather “strange” having to modify min.css files… Is deleting them the right way?




    Howdy tolisp and hsoltages,

    You certainly do not need to delete files nor deal with the minified one. The minified is loaded by default, but you can dequeue it and replace it with your own, even a modified copy of the non minified one. We even have a tutorial for this: https://tri.be/support/documentation/events-calendar-themers-guide/#highlighter_112080

    If you prefer completely replacing our stylesheet follow that tutorial, and then copy the nonminified file somewhere, perhaps into your theme, and enqueue that instead.


    – Brook

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