• Hello there,
    on the single product page I use the following code to link the final price color and font size to the Proteo option in Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product page > Product price and Add to cart.

    .woocommerce-variation.single_variation .price {
    font-size: var(--proteo-single_product_price_font_size, 2.1875rem);
        color: var(--proteo-single_product_price_color, var(--proteo-main_color_shade, #448a85));

    This worked fine until now.. Now when I get on a single product page and choose a different product variation, the final price color and font size doesn’t get shown correctly.

    I hope you can help us with this problem.

    Thanks in advance,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    this is what I see: https://prnt.sc/12f3xgv

    so I think it is working fine… cache? or did you fixed it already?

    Thread Starter pjhimseelf


    Hello, I now tried to use the following code:

    font-size: var(--proteo-single_product_price_font_size, 2.1875rem);
        color: var(--proteo-single_product_price_color, var(--proteo-main_color_shade, #af9453));

    It kind of works now.. after getting on the single product page, the final price has now the correct size but is black, only after choosing another variation the final price also gets the correct color.

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hi there,
    check the html element prior and after that you set the variation. WooCommerce changes the html selector after the selection is made.
    In this case you can add with a ‘,’ also the other selector to your rule.

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