• Resolved Mickael Maury


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    Custom Buttons for WooCommerce: version: 1.2.2, author: Puri.io, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Disable Gutenberg: version: 2.8.1, author: Jeff Starr, Mises à jour auto désactivées
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    Email Address Encoder ?: version: 0.3.10, author: Till Krüss, Mises à jour auto désactivées
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    Fixed Widget: version: 6.2.3, author: Thomas Maier, Max Bond, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Goya Core: version:, author: Everthemes, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Import Export WordPress Users and WooCommerce Customers: version: 2.3.7, author: WebToffee, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Kirki Customizer Framework: version: 4.1.1, author: David Vongries, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Loco Translate: version: 2.6.3, author: Tim Whitlock, Mises à jour auto désactivées
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    ManageWP - Worker: version: 4.9.16, author: GoDaddy, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: version: 4.9.1, author: ibericode, Mises à jour auto désactivées
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    Meta pixel for WordPress: version: 3.0.8, author: Facebook, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Ninja Forms: version: 3.6.17, author: Saturday Drive, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce: version: 3.3.2, author: WP Overnight, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Really Simple SSL: version: 6.2.0, author: Really Simple Plugins, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Redirection: version: 5.3.9, author: John Godley, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    SecuPress Pro — WordPress Security: version: 2.2.3, author: SecuPress, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Sendcloud | Smart Shipping Service: version: 2.2.17, author: Sendcloud B.V., Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Simple Custom CSS and JS: version: 3.42, author: SilkyPress.com, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Site Kit by Google: version: 1.94.0, author: Google, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Slider Revolution: version: 6.6.10, author: ThemePunch, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Variation Swatches for WooCommerce: version: 2.0.18, author: Emran Ahmed, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WC Ajax Product Filter: version: 3.3.2, author: wptools.io, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WooCommerce: version: 7.4.0, author: Automattic, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WooCommerce Payments: version: 5.4.0, author: Automattic, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: version: 2.2.3, author: WooCommerce, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: version: 7.1.0, author: WooCommerce, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WPBakery Page Builder: version: 6.10.0, author: Michael M - WPBakery.com, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WP Maintenance: version: 6.1.2, author: Florent Maillefaud, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    WP Rocket: version:, author: WP Media, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium: version: 2.13.0, author: YITH, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: version: 3.18.0, author: YITH, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Yoast SEO: version: 20.1, author: Team Yoast, Mises à jour auto désactivées
    Zakeke Interactive Product Designer: version: 3.3.0, author: Zakeke, Mises à jour auto désactivées wp-plugins-inactive (1) ILIST Kado: version: 2.1.33, author: DEV By INFORMATUX, Mises à jour auto désactivées wp-media image_editor: EWWWIO_Imagick_Editor
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    After update my website castelcreation.com to PHP 8.0 (o2switch hosting) :

    [Tue Feb 14 23:23:33.272479 2023] [lsapi:error] [pid 27288:tid 47750561416960] [client] [host castelcreation.com] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-css-js/includes/admin-screens.php:1628\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): CustomCSSandJS_Admin->before_delete_post()\n#1 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()\n#2 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()\n#3 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/post.php(3407): do_action()\n#4 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/secupress-pro/free/classes/common/class-secupress-logs.php(245): wp_delete_post()\n#5 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/secupress-pro/free/classes/common/class-secupress-logs.php(904): SecuPress_Logs->delete_log()\n#6 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/secupress-pro/free/classes/common/class-secupress-logs.php(796): SecuPress_Logs->limit_logs_number()\n#7 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/secupress-pro/free/modules/logs/plugins/inc/php/action-logs/class-secupress-action-logs.php(429): SecuPress_Logs->save_logs()\n#8 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): SecuPress_Action_Logs->save_current_logs()\n#9 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()\n#10 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()\n#11 /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-includes/load.php(1124): do_action()\n#12 [internal function]: shutdown_action_hook()\n#13 {main}\n thrown in /home/qfah1513/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-css-js/includes/admin-screens.php on line 1628\n, referer: https://castelcreation.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=custom-css-js

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Plugin Author SilkyPress


    Hello Mickael,

    the error seems to show up only when permanently deleting a custom code with a Draft status.

    Thank you for reporting the error. We have indeed overlooked it. We’ll fix it within the next plugin release.

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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