Hi Simon
I’m not sure where the “Continue Reading” message is coming from … it is being added to the generated excerpts for your pages either by your theme or one of your other plugins. You may be able to get around this by filling in the Excerpt field for the pages (if it is not showing, click on “Screen Options” when editing a page and make sure Excerpt is ticked … although I’ve noticed it is not available for pages when using certain themes!).
I think the problem is that something has added a filter to add the “Continue Reading” link when the excerpt is generated from the page content.
I’ll look at changing the plugin to generate the excerpt itself rather than using the routines built into WordPress, which will hopefully get around this issue.
Time allowing, look out for the new version later today … I’m also adding a button to the WordPress editor to make it even easier to add the shortcode. (Although I may just make the change to generating the excerpt if time gets too tight to fully test it all today …)
The “Read more…” link is contained within a paragraph with a class of ccpages_more
… so you could either change the CSS for the entire paragraph:
p.ccpages_more {
background: red;
color: white;
p.ccpages_more a {
color: white;
or apply CSS just to the link itself:
p.ccpages_more a {
background: red;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
… depending on the effect you want to achieve.
Finally, thank you very much for the donation … it is truly appreciated.
I’m going to mark this topic as resolved now (as I believe that I have answered the original question, and the other issue is not a “bug” – although I will try to implement a resolution anyway), but if you need further help with getting everything working with your theme/plugin combination please feel free to contact me via my main web site or raise another support ticket here.