• Hey there
    I’d really like to use the CDN Feature Photon (included in Jetpack), unfortunately it doesn’t seem to check if my thumnails are custom cropped, which they usually are. I thought this was added / fixed in the latest Version, but it still doesn’t work for me.
    My blog is https://wp7app.de, the Feature is currently turned on for a short while, still this issue is a dealbreaker for me.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?


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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I had a look a your site, and the post thumbnails seem to be displayed properly:

    Have you managed to solve the issue by yourself?

    Thread Starter rancor2k


    unfortunately not. The thumbs are being displayed correctly, but with the auto-crop and not how I cropped them myself. The two thumbnails in your screenshot I haven’t cropped myself, so they’re fine.
    How it Looks with Photon:
    How it’s supposed to look:

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks for the screenshots, I understand the issue now.

    Could you post one of the Photon image URLs here? That might help us understand why the custom cropping doesn’t work.

    Thread Starter rancor2k


    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??


    Could you also copy the contents of the Text tab in the post editor, like so:

    1. Open an affected post in the editor.
    2. Switch to the text tab for the editor.
    3. Reload the page.
    4. Copy the post content into Pastebin.

    You can then post the pastebin here, or send it to us via this contact form:


    Thread Starter rancor2k


    Hey there
    Thanks so much for trying to help me!
    I’m not sure what you’re looking for, as the text of this post doesn’t include any images but the post image, which of course isn’t part of the text. Nevertheless, here’s the text for this page:

    Plugin Contributor Erick Hitter


    By chance, are you using any plugins that modify WordPress’ image behaviour (other than Photon), or is there any code in your theme that aids with thumbnail selection?

    From the earlier example you provided, it seems that sometimes the featured image used on the homepage is completely different from that which appears atop the post when viewing an individual entry. If your theme or a plugin is modifying WP’s image handling, that scenario may not be accounted for in Photon’s logic.


    Thread Starter rancor2k


    No, I don’t use any plugins to change the post images. Here’s how I activated them im my theme:


    if ( function_exists('add_theme_support')) {
    set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, true ); // Normal post thumbnails
    add_image_size( 'single-post-thumbnail', 600, 9999 ); // Permalink thumbnail size

    <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?>

    I also checked my Caching-Plugin (Quick Cache), doesn’t seem to affect the thumbs.

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi rancor,

    Do you still have this issue? You don’t seem to be using Photon anymore; would you like to try again?

    Thread Starter rancor2k


    I stopped trying after a while. Just gave it another shot, but unfortunately it’s still not working. I’ll keep it activated for a day or so so you can have a look at it.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    You mentioned that the thumbnails are “custom cropped”. Could you walk me through the steps you follow to upload an image, and define a Featured Image for one of your posts?

    Thread Starter rancor2k


    Usually I write my post and add an image (600x400px) using the media uploader. From there I hit “Edit Image” and change the thumbnail (~160x160px) using the cropping tool. I then select save as thumnail from the radio boxes and hit save.
    Back in my post I now select the post thumbnail. That’s it.

    (I hope I used all the correct terms as I have a german wordpress set up.)

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thank you! I understand the issue now. Photon only uses the original image and resizes it on the fly; the smaller thumbnails are actually never used if you activate Photon, and that’s the issue here.

    I’m afraid that’s how Photon is designed to work at the moment, but I took note of your remark, and we’ll see if there is something we can do about it in a future Jetpack update.

    Thread Starter rancor2k


    You’re welcome, glad I could help. Looking forward to the upcomming patches.

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