• Resolved Tibor Paulsch


    Hi Ryan,

    Thx for your work! I am using the plugin for a custom event query, to just show upcoming events, but when there a no upcoming events, the front-end shows an empty page. In the editor it shows the default “No posts found” message.

    What I would like to do is show some custom content where there are no events to be shown, but I can not seem to find how to do this. Is this even possible? I am using a TwentyTwentyFour child theme here.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Author Ryan Welcher


    Hi there and thanks for using AQL! You can define what content is shown in this case by adding the No Results block and adding any blocks you’d like to see there.

    Have a look at this WordPress Playground link to see how that is set up. Be sure have a look at the list view.

    This isn’t really related to AQL so I’ll close this out but feel free to open another if needed!

    Thread Starter Tibor Paulsch


    Thanks Ryan! I saved my AQL block as a synced pattern (apparently without the no results block), and it turns out it is not available when editing the pattern later on. To be honest, I did not even know it existed ??

    Starting with a new AQL block from scratch, the no-results block showed up immediately.

    Plugin Author Ryan Welcher


    Great! I’m glad you got it sorted out!

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