Custom composer presets
I’ve managed to override the composer blocks, so they appear as they should.
Now I want to make a preset, so my customer has the default blocks like preheader, header, canspam and footer already set up when he creates a new newsletter.
I already look into the presets folder and notice that a preset folder consist a png icon and a json file which holds the blocks.
Is there an update save method to add my own preset?
I already notice the hook_wp_ajax_tnpc_presets hook.
Also I see, that the get_preset function in email.php:903 has an optional param which holds the directory.
But it seems to me, that there is a issue on line 918.
If I load my preset from another folder as the default, the icon couldn’t be loaded.Btw.: I wonder why the text block has more fonts to choose then e.g. the canspam block. My customer use ‘Trebuchet MS’ for the canspam block. Because there is no option to choose I override it with my own version (update-safe of course).
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