Custom Community Update from 1.x to 2.0
Hi @all,
If you updated from 1.x and everything works like a charm, this post is not for you. In this post we want to help anybody else who run into an update problem.
Some users asked us why we build such a big update. Why have we changed so much!
The answer is simple:
We needed to rebuild Custom Community. The 1.x version was based on the first BuddyPress default theme and totally outdated. Also, the theme architecture of BuddyPress has changed completely and the old system is not supported anymore.
CC1 was not responsive, it was not build the WordPress way and also included too much plugin functionality. The review team does not allow the latter ones to be included in a theme. There were only two options. Either: Remove the theme from the repository completely – or: Rebuild it.
So, because we wanted to continue our work with and on the Custom Community theme, we went for the second option, and started to rebuild the theme.
Over the course of development, we made quite a handful of mistakes and about all and everything took ages. But this was not because of lack of interest. We always communicated everything and wrote blog posts.
The latest of them are:
– 2.0 is finally live! Read the Blog Post
– The Review Process:
We also have created an update script for the update from cc 1.x to cc2 – but in some situations, sadly the update script does not work properly. This also is the only time when an feeling of alienation, as in “this is a total different theme”, will arise. But we are working on fixing those issues as soon as possible.
Please note: The options and settings of the old CC1 are not being deleted. If you need to revert back out of any reason, there is the latest and final premium version of 1.x available for free – as a farewell present – at Github ??
From now on its up to the community to update it if required and to keep it working.
Help yourself to a copy at:
We want to focus 100% on the current theme (ie. CC 2) and thus say goodbye with a big THANK to 1.x! Custom Community was a great success and we believe that CC 2 is going to follow up on this fantastic road and become even more successful.
Many Thanks and Greetings,
Your Themekraft Team
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