• I’m using Elementor pro dynamic page (using Theme builder), that mean I have 1 template and using that have thousands of pages using ACF and that template.

    Currently, the URL structure is like this :


    but in the breadcrumb i want show like this :

    home/services/web design/citypages,

    That means add other custom levels before the page on the breadcrumb so i can show to search engine my website structure without changing my url Structure. In overall what i need is a trick to use this section(home/services/web design/) custom and also dynamically add it to all “citypages” and beside have schema for it

    how can i do this?

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  • Plugin Author John Havlik


    If you want a specific hierarchy, it’s recommended to organize your content within WordPress such that said hierarchy is present (otherwise you’re just creating more work for yourself). Breadcrumb NavXT does not use the URL structure to determine what the breadcrumb trail should be, it uses the relationships between posts, their parents (if present), and the terms (of whatever taxonomy) they are members of. If said relationships are not established, you aren’t going to get the breadcrumb trail you expect.

    For example, if the breadcrumb trail ends up being Home > Citypages and you want it to be Home > Services > Web Design > Citypages, if these are all of the page post type, then Citypages must be a child of Web Design which must be a child of Services (that is Citypages needs to have Web Design set as its parent page, and Web Design needs to have Services set as its parent page). Note that using pages isn’t the only way to make this hierarchy relationship work (there are ways of doing this with Custom Post Types with custom taxonomies as well).

    Under certain circumstances, manually adding breadcrumbs to the breadcrumb trail is necessary (unlikely in this situation, usually necessary for adding support for 3rd party plugins that expand past the normal scope of what WordPress does with post and term/taxonomy relationships), and there are examples of how to do this in the documentation for the bcn_after_fill action.

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