• Resolved smartness


    Hi, i’m new on worpress. I want to use it as article site!

    The only thing i need is, instead of saying posted by: (i.e.g.) Admin, i want to write a custom name, the name of author!

    You don’t understand me?
    My user name/Nickname on my wordpress is: Redaksia
    NOw, instead of showing, Author: Redaksia, show author: {author i enter before posting}

    I hope you understand me! thanks!

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  • Not sure what you mean. But if you change your display name in your profile to your name instead of your username it will display that instead.

    Thread Starter smartness


    No no i mean, i can choose for poster name, each time i post! i don’t want to appear my username there, but instead of username, appeart that poster name!

    I mean, i can choose each time a different name, like i choose the subject, or category! if you still don’t understeand me, i make some pics and clarify it!

    Not sure I understand what you mean by ‘poster name’

    You can NOT invent an author name as you do with the title.
    You can select ONLY from registered users.

    As for how the author name is displayed, visit admin > Users > Profile and when editing add first, last, nick names… and after saving it, select from the dropdown “Display name publicly as” whichever you want.

    Thread Starter smartness


    well thats what i need, because i post articles from different authors!

    i need a modification for that!

    this should not be Hard to do!

    a custom field shot be enough, then edit template and “echo” with php that what i writed in the custom field!

    Well, if you know how to do it (custom fields) then don’t ask, just do it.

    Thread Starter smartness


    “If i know it”, yes sure but the problem is I don’t know it…

    I mean, i can try, but i don’t want to make anything wrong!

    I thaw there maybe already is a plugin for that!

    p.s. can i have your msn addy (if you have one) so i can ask you some basic (and maybe a little complicated) things! im extra new at wordpress!
    If you help me I linkback @ your blog (moshublog)

    My very first reply was: NO, you can not do it with the usual author template tags.

    Custom fields could be a solution, and I gave you the link to the Documentation.

    That’s all.

    No, I offer free help only in the WP forum. And any IM address is exclusively for my family and close friends.

    I think that you need to explain exactly what you do want, because I am not sure.

    My understanding was (but it could be wrong) he wants to post as several different authors without creating an account/user for them. But you cannot “pick” an author from the dropdown menu unless it really is a registered user on the blog.

    In which case the custom fields could be a workaround.

    Thread Starter smartness


    @equaldesign, bro i don’ know how to clarify this anymore!

    I can’t wait for replies on this forum! thats why i said i need your msn/m address! You can delete me after we have this done! don’t misunderstand me!

    i think ive got to try with these custom fields!

    If you are so desperate for a response then maybe you should opt for some paid support instead of assuming that people will provide you with their personal contact details and be at your beck and call.

    Like Moshu said why are you just trying what you think will work rather than keep posting here?

    Thread Starter smartness


    Ok, i did it, i created a custom field, and insteted the <?php the_meta(); ?> i “created” a new function the_meta2(); because the default one is with <ul > and <li >

    the default one:

    function the_meta() {
    	if ( $keys = get_post_custom_keys() ) {
    		echo "<ul class='post-meta'>\n";
    		foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
    			$keyt = trim($key);
    			if ( '_' == $keyt{0} )
    			$values = array_map('trim', get_post_custom_values($key));
    			$value = implode($values,', ');
    			echo apply_filters('the_meta_key', "
    <li><span class='post-meta-key'>$key:</span> $value</li>
    \n", $key, $value);
    		echo "\n";

    my function:

    function the_meta2() {
    	if ( $keys = get_post_custom_keys() ) {
    		foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
    			$keyt = trim($key);
    			if ( '_' == $keyt{0} )
    			$values = array_map('trim', get_post_custom_values($key));
    			$value = implode($values,', ');
    			echo apply_filters('the_meta_key', "<span class='post-meta-key'>$key:</span> $value\n", $key, $value);

    Thanks for the support!

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