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  • I am having the same problem. Is there a fix for this, please?

    Here is a fix that I came up with today:

    *note, this fix will break when you update the plugin, unless the author includes this in their next update :

    	var fixStart = function(e, ui) {
    		// this will make the transition smoother by making the placeholder the same height
    	var fixHelper = function(e, ui) {
    		// this doesn't work properly at the bottom where it I moved it to the top
    		ui.children().children().each(function() {
    		return ui;
    	// posts
    	$('table.posts #the-list, table.pages #the-list').sortable({
    		'items': 'tr',
    		'axis': 'y',
    		'start': fixStart,
    		'helper': fixHelper,
    		'update' : function(e, ui) {
    			$.post( ajaxurl, {
    				action: 'update-menu-order',
    				order: $('#the-list').sortable('serialize'),
    	// tags
    	$('table.tags #the-list').sortable({
    		'items': 'tr',
    		'axis': 'y',
    		'start': fixStart,
    		'helper': fixHelper,
    		'update' : function(e, ui) {
    			$.post( ajaxurl, {
    				action: 'update-menu-order-tags',
    				order: $('#the-list').sortable('serialize'),
    	// this will add static widths to the header cells,
    	// to avoid shifting width on drag when using custom columns
    		$('.wp-list-table thead th, .wp-list-table thead td')
    				$(this).css('width', $(this).width());

    Thank you for the fix ! That bug was really annoying ??

    Hope the author will include that kind of fix in the next update.

    Anyway, great plugin ??

    For anyone who doesn’t know how to use this, you copy the code from github link then ftp into your plugins folder and navigate to /plugins/intuitive-custom-post-order/js/ where you will find a file titled “hicpo.js”. Just replace the contents of this file with the copied code and save. Wha La! ??

    Thanks for the fix Earthman!

    You’re most welcome @adrianlamotte and @trishadee

    Thanks, Trishah, for the added documentation. ??

    I posted a note to the plugin author today on github, hopefully it will get merged in sometime soon, because this is a super great plugin, for sure!

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