• Hi,
    Does anyone know of a good plugin that lets me write what I am currently reading, or what music I am currently playing, into the sidebar/menu area?
    I have the get custom field values plugin and can add the stuff I want into a blog entry, but I would like the iformation, say for a book I’m reading to remain at the side away from the main content. If I can use this plugin then that would be great, but I don’t know how I would go about that.
    Thanks in advance

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  • Too bad David Chait doesn’t charge a fee for his plugins or I would ask for a commission. Check out my page and if that is what you are looking for, then get his CG-Powerpack plugin. Lots of goodies in it, many of which you can see on my blog.

    You could also use https://www.mymedialist.com/ – you can play around with the script’s css to make it suit your site. You can see it on my blog here: https://www.420hitsquad.net/Nunavut/blog/index.php?cat=5
    It will shrink to fit in a sidebar.

    I really need to tidy up my custom fields plugin so that other people can use it, mine integrates with a custom version of PHPCurrently (which would do what you want on it’s own really) so you can update it from within a post or just read in the existing value(s) as well as offering an asides function, related links, signatures (per-post or drawn from an external file or in this case invision forums) , rating of your post (reviews) and various other bits and pieces, but is chock-full of custom code and is a tad bloated as it’s just sort of grown over time. *adds to list of things to do*

    Scott Reilly


    WordPress & Plugin Developer

    I just released v2.0 of Get Custom Field Values. Among other things, it now includes the function c2c_get_recent_custom() which will retrieve recent custom field values from outside the loop. I haven’t formally announced it yet, but have made it available and would like to know if it works well for others. Please let me know if you give it a try.
    (Note for those using older versions of this plugin: I’ve changed the function name get_custom() to c2c_get_custom(), so you’ll have to update your calls to function in index.php if you upgrade.)

    You could also use Denyerec’s Amazon Media Manager currently he only distributes it as a hack but with a couple simple rewrites; it works just fine as a plugin.

    Thread Starter delsdog


    Thanks for the tips, I’m gonna give the new version of coffee2codes get custom field values a whirl, although I have a nagging suspicion that I am going to be creating my own plugin to exactly what I want.

    Does anyone know when a version of Amazon Media Manager for WP 1.2 will be released? Or is there already documentation on configuring the 1.1 plugin for 1.2? Thanks!

    delsdog: what ‘exactly’ is it that you want? I know a lot of people using CG-Amazon now for exactly this purpose…

    Thread Starter delsdog


    I have no experience of CG-Amazon so I don’t know if that is what I want, but I will give it a go, Haven’t had the time to try any solution currently.

    delsdog: Feel free to post here or drop an email if you need help. It’s pretty easy, as Beel can attest to — definitely check out his site.

    Hey, if I can plug it in, anybody can. And I love the “currently reading” part – with each new book, I just add it to the custom tag on the post so posts will provide a long term history of my reads while CG-Amazon displays the current book in the sidebar. I just wish I posted as quickly as I read books (I am at least 3 posts behind ??

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