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  • iridax, thanks for your input and that’s true what you say. But I still think there is a way to code a conditional class for the current tag – for when you’re on the current tag’s archive page. But I’m not the PHP whiz that can do it ??

    I take that back – I guess I am a PHP whiz ?? Just kidding! Not. But I was able to figure out how to code this, so that now I can mix tags with my categories and still have the current class attach. Sweet.

    I take that back – I guess I am a PHP whiz ?? Just kidding! Not. But I was able to figure out how to code this, so that now I can mix tags with my categories and still have the current class attach. Sweet.

    Well do you mind telling anybody else how you did it? I’ve been stuggling with this for a while.


    Maybe you will find this plugin usefull :

    “Once this plugin is enabled, the template function btl_list_categories() will be available. The function will take the same parameters as wp_list_categories()” and will “list all available tags analagous to wp_list_categories()”. It also adds the class=”current-tag” to the current tag ??

    I used it for that exact purpose on this web site :

    I hope this will help…

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