• Resolved leono77


    We use the € currency symbol and mainly write European prices with a comma ( € 5,65 ) in stead of a dot ( $ 5.65 ).

    But when we use the comma in the price field TheEventsCalender shows the price like €5 €65

    Wouldn’t it be a better idea to use a – of different symbol as a seperator to show different prices?

    Is there a workaround or do we need to wait for version 4.0?
    We use version 3.12.3 and WP 4.2.5


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  • Hey leono77,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    I just ran some tests on this one and it does appear to be a bug with the latest version of the plugin. I’ve noted this issue in our internal tracking system and you’ll be notified here as we make progress on addressing this issue.


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