• Hey guys… curious what you guys think of this error?

    I installed the following plugin Sociable for bookmarking socially.


    I activated it in my WP and still it does not show up after each post. Could I be doing something wrong?

    Any common errors?

    I have the latest v of WP.


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  • You need to go into the settings, select where you want the icons to appear, and which ones you want to have show up.

    Click Settings to the right-hand part of your screen, then click the Sociable link.

    If that does not work, your template probably does not support widgets. Make sure you have selected a relatively recently updated template (one that is compatible with WordPress version 2.3 or later; you can check the templates repository in the Codex to ensure compatibility).

    One more thought:

    If the above does not work, you probably need to edit your template as described in the link you posted.

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