• Resolved megaelements


    I would like to know if both of these plugins are compatible.
    Facebook for WooCommerce and CTX-FEED

    reason why is, Facebook for WooCommerce gives the option for discounts on ads and dynamic ads.

    the other question I have in my mind is , I would like to use the google category feature from CTX and then upload the feed to the Facebook catalog, I would like to know how to avoid items being duplicated in the Facebook and Instagram shop

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  • Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @megaelements

    Thanks for reaching us, but we are unsure how you are trying to relate two plugins and what you mean by the term ” if both of these plugins are compatible.”

    But, if you are planning to create a feed combining two plugins, then it won’t be possible besides, if you create 2 different feeds with two different plugins with the same items, Facebook may consider those items duplicate as the item ID would be the same.

    So, I would suggest you use any of the plugins.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter megaelements


    Thank you for your answer,
    if both of these plugins are compatible (I meant do they have conflict) I will create the feed manually from CTX feeds as I can assign Google product categories more easily the upload it manually, on the other hand, I will use Facebook for woocomerece (DO NOT SYNC) to take advantage of the Coupon from Facebook and create Dynamic ads.

    That’s how I’m planning to use both of them.

    Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @megaelements

    To test if it creates any error, I have installed both the plugins on my test setup and experienced no error or conflict. So, I think you can use the plugins at a time.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @megaelements

    As we are not getting any further replies to this thread, we are considering and marking this issue as resolved.

    Please, feel free to start another support topic, if you need any further assistance.

    Thank you,

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