CSS Theme Help. 3 columns layout archive help
Hi I need help with css/worpress theme. I want to create a newsletter in wordpress for SEO and content management reasons (already exists in html/css format but is updated manually..such a pain). I have changed many templates in wordpress and am somewhat familiar with css. The issue I run into is I have a 3 column layout. The newsletter is archived by month. The main content is in column number 2 but column number 1 and 3 have standard components (i.e: subscribe box, archive links) but also components that need to change per issue (monthly issues have polls, in this issue menu and anchor text, etc). I may be overthinking (usually do…) but what is the best way to go about this so that when the archives are clicked or searched, the visitor gets the appropriate column 1 and 3 contents pertaining to the archived issue? Most templates I have run into have column 1 & 3 standard and the center column 2 content is what changes (usually the article or main content). This has been racking my brain for some time. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks
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