• Resolved outpostmm



    I’m working on setting up your plugin on this site:


    Initially it worked great, the total number of Javascript and CSS files went from 80 (!) to 24, with smaller size. However, only Chrome was loading the site correctly. Firefox, Opera, and IE were showing missing styling and text on the home page. After some troubleshooting, it looks like if I set the number of minify strings per file to only 4 or above, then Firefox will not style the home page. I have it set to 4 right now so that you can see. It looks like Opera, IE, and Chrome all work fine at 4, but Firefox shows missing styling unless I change that setting to 3.

    Do you know what I can do in order to get that number higher? I’d like to go back to 24 requests, most of the other ones are third party sites that I can’t control but it’s a great savings.



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  • Plugin Author Khang Minh


    Pressing F5 like crazy now, maybe you can try: https://betterwp.net/contact/

    Okay I just sent via that page ??

    (I’ve also sent it via my gmail email address)

    Plugin Author Khang Minh


    Okay it should be working now.

    The offending CSS is wp-content/thesis/skins/classic/css.css. There are some CSS rules inside that file that is causing trouble if minified, so you must set it to be ignored.

    Not sure if this can help: https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fbacklinko.staging.wpengine.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthesis%2Fskins%2Fclassic%2Fcss.css%3Fver%3D3.8.2

    If you still want to minify this file, try the following:
    1. Go to https://refresh-sf.com/yui/ and minify that css.css file manually. That site uses a different Minification mechanism so it might work.
    2. Replace the current css.css with css.min.css as generated by the website in step 1, and cross your fingers.

    I don’t think you would gain much from minifying css.css because that file appears to be self-minifed for the most parts.

    I also noticed an issue with your site, jQuery is being used in header (echoed directly) but you force jquery.js to footer, that would cause JS error. You either need to wrap your JS codes in document ready function, or leave jquery in header (which I have done for you).

    And one last recommendation: don’t minify and print separately a bunch of files like that, it would actually slow down your site rather than speeding it up. But I assume that you were doing that for testing purpose.

    Hope that helps.


    Thanks for the very detailed response there. Really, really appreciated ?? Thank you.

    I will check out the offending CSS and see if I can get it working when minified.

    I will also sort out that jQuery.

    The separate printing of files was for testing purposes only, you’re right. They’ll all get recombined and printed as one, once I’ve fixed this.

    Thank you again!

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