• Resolved Rowena M.


    Hi – the latest update seemed to have caused some changes to way the that the CSS is displayed. We lost the black/blue/green for the textboxes (Learning Objectives, etc).

    We also seemed to have lost the ‘part-title’ from each page (the <small> text in the top right that had the info on which part somebody was in (you can see it in action here)

    I was able to rewrite the CSS for the textboxes – but am a little concerned over any changes that might not jump out as obviously. Also trying to figure out which file called the part title so I can recreate that site-wide as well.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Should I just roll back to the previous plug-in version?

    All software up to date. https://librarywp.whatcom.edu/press/cic/

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  • Plugin Author bdolor


    Hi Rowena,

    thanks for reaching out. On the book that you provided a link to, it looks like your theme is currently set to Luther? Were you previously using the Open Textbook Theme?

    Plugin Author bdolor


    It looks like you’re using Pressbooks 3.7.1 on that site. The latest Pressbooks version is 3.9.6. Pressbooks Textbook version 3.0.1 is made to work with the latest version of Pressbooks.


    Starting with version 3.8, Pressbooks stopped using the WP repo to deliver updates to the code base and now releases updates via Github. In order to receive updates to Pressbooks through the WP admin interface, instructions are to use the WP plugin Github Updater: https://github.com/afragen/github-updater


    There have been a lot of changes to both the code base and server dependencies since PB 3.7.1


    If you are not currently in a position to update Pressbooks to 3.9.6 I would roll back your version of Pressbooks Textbook to 2.7.1

    Thread Starter Rowena M.


    Thank you Brad! I actually hadn’t noticed that PressBooks wasn’t updating through wp anymore. That’s a major thing…

    We’re soft launching the book today so I’m going to leave well enough alone for the moment but from the issues I’m seeing it sounds like this is exactly my problem.

    Again, many thanks.

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