• How do I over-ride dropdown settings with my own CSS file?

    >Gallery >Other Options >Styles “what stylesheet would you like to use?” (BDP_sheet) is selected.
    This file is located in-as
    click SAVE

    go to browser Clear CACHE
    reload page

    Definetly not using the CSS file that I want it to be using. It is using…


    First Question is WHY?
    go to…
    >Gallery >Gallery Settings >NextGEN Basic Compact Album
    Display galleries as “NextGEN Basic Thumbnails”…
    There is no option to select “none, thankyou, I have my own custom CSS file” You must select something…

    So, how does someone actually use their own CSS file?

    PS having the CSS file NOT in the custom theme folder is a real pain. If every plugin started doing this you could end up with 20 directories with 20 differently named files, which would quickly make a wordpress site a complete nightmare to maintain.

    Please look at having the option of storing the CSS file IN THE CUSTOM THEME FOLDER / Child Theme folder.



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