• jmikrut62


    I am writing custom blocks using tailwind CSS. I’m not understanding the classes WordPress is adding. I have no idea what is going on. It displays the correct CSS in the FSE: class=”block-editor-rich-text__editable font-sans font-light text-8xl rich-text”

    But on the front end it adds font-bold: class=”wp-block-mikrutblocks-genericheading font-sans font-light text-8xl font-bold”

    If I add the block to a post in the block editor I get: class=”block-editor-rich-text__editable rich-text #t6gg29 #1thlppk #23wnib”

    And get the same thing on the front end for the post: class=”wp-block-mikrutblocks-genericheading #t6gg29 #1thlppk #23wnib”

    Here is the code for the block – genericheading.js

    import { ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton } from "@wordpress/components";
    import { RichText, BlockControls } from "@wordpress/block-editor";
    import { registerBlockType } from "@wordpress/blocks";
    registerBlockType("mikrutblocks/genericheading", {
      title: "Generic Heading",
      attributes: {
        text: { type: "string" },
        // Tailwind css
        size: { type: "sting", default: "text-8xl" }
      edit: EditComponent,
      save: SaveComponent
    function EditComponent(props) {
      function handleTextChange(x) {
        props.setAttributes({ text: x });
      function createTagName() {
        switch (props.attributes.size) {
          case "text-8xl":
            return "h1";
          case "text-5xl mb-3":
            return "h2";
          case "text-2xl mb-8":
            return "h3";
      return (
              <ToolbarButton isPressed={props.attributes.size === "text-8xl"} onClick={() => props.setAttributes({ size: "text-8xl" })}>
              <ToolbarButton isPressed={props.attributes.size === "text-5xl mb-3"} onClick={() => props.setAttributes({ size: "text-5xl mb-3" })}>
              <ToolbarButton isPressed={props.attributes.size === "text-2xl mb-8"} onClick={() => props.setAttributes({ size: "text-2xl mb-8" })}>
          <RichText allowedFormats={["core/bold", "core/italic"]} tagName={createTagName()} className={font-sans font-light ${props.attributes.size}} value={props.attributes.text} onChange={handleTextChange} />
    function SaveComponent(props) {
      function createTagName() {
        switch (props.attributes.size) {
          case "text-8xl":
            return "h1";
          case "text-5xl mb-3":
            return "h2";
          case "text-2xl mb-8":
            return "h3";
      return <RichText.Content tagName={createTagName()} value={props.attributes.text} className={font-sans font-light ${props.attributes.size}} />;
    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by jmikrut62.
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  • Thread Starter jmikrut62


    I realized the problem is the .editor-styles-wrapper that get added when using add_theme_support(‘wp-block-styles’). Anyone know how to get around this?

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