CSS Assistance
Hello everybody, i need help with a css code that i am using for a link in my wordpress site. The problem is that no matter how i position the element, when the resolution is changed or/and when the browser is resized from big window to small window, the element i changing its location.. Now i am a css rookie that doesnt even know what he is doing so i might have made a mistakes, but i want the professional developers here to tell me where my mistake is.
First the link is position in the file searchform.php
</div><!-- end #search-form --> <div class="advanced-search"> <a href="https://hubbubooks.com/advanced"> Разширено търсене</a> </div>
It is positioned after the div of the search form.
As you all know the header.php allow the search form to appear
<?php get_search_form(); ?>
Ok now everything is alright we have a link.This is the CSS code that is in my style.css document, or actually it s not but its in the custom css of the wordpdress blog:
.advanced-search a{ float: right !important; width: auto !important; position: absolute !important; color:#FFFFFF !important; top: 5.8% !important; right: 13% !important; } .advanced-search a:hover{ float: right !important; width: auto !important; position: absolute !important; top: 5.8% !important; right: 13% !important; }
And what is happening when the resolution is changed or the window of the browser is resized to smaller one:
This is when its normal size window no matter chrome, explorer or opera :
And this is when the window of the browser is smaller:
https://store.picbg.net/pubpic/EC/7B/2c62c7bac000ec7b.pngI have no idea what needs to be done to fix this issue.
Please if there is any css gods in this forum, help me i will be really grateful.
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