Please avoid opening up a new forum post for the same related issue. The forum allows you to reopen any previous issue you created and that has been closed if you are still encountering an issue. Creating new issues in the forum is going to create confusion on the topic and difficult for other users and us to follow the discussion.
On the topic of CSS, we’d be happy to help support you, but we need additional information to provide that support. Otherwise we are spending hours trying to resolve issues without specific details. We have tested the behavior you described using a test environment based upon the details you have provided to date, but we haven’t been able to reproduce the behavior.
We do anticipate this could be occurring as a Theme or Plugin or Custom Code conflict you are specifically using on your site. Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce your exact website configuration with all plugins and theme modifications, especially if you are using Pro/Paid plugins we are unable to purchase those just for testing purposes.
“It was working fine yesterday for an hour of intensive use, and today when i checked, the css was gone again and had to deactivate the plugin again.”
Unfortunately, this type of description doesn’t provide us additional information to take action. Based upon this description, sounds like you are making a lot of modifications and potentially any one of those modifications could be introducing errors.
Please provide us additional and specific details on the behavior, specifically which CSS code line creates your error or which plugin/theme conflict is occurring with screenshots, reproduction steps before the error, error logs or dev console error reports. These specific details will allow us to review the issue further.
We will go ahead and leave this forum post open for you to review getting additional information. Again, please avoid creating new post if this post is closed at a later time, just reopen this post if you get more details in the future. Thank you.