• Hello. Your plugin looks amazing. I am surprised you don’t have a pro version. I’d pay for it.

    Here is my main question?

    Is it possible to reference data from another database (of your plugin) within the results.

    For example. Let’s talk cooking:

    Database 1 is recipes for cooking.
    Database 2 is information on individual ingredients.

    So, I look up how to make a Chocolate Cake. I find Recipe 1. I click on that from the results and I get all the Ingredients, the steps, cooking time etc. Like Allrecipes.com –

    In the Ingredients list I see “brown eggs”, “white flour”, “sugar”, etc

    Can the ingredients be clickable? And link to a database source (Database 2) – so i click on “brown Eggs” and that opens another window and I see a picture of brown eggs, and a description.

    On this page I see a list of all the recipes with “brown eggs” as well as shopping information, storage etc.

    Click on “Apple Pie” and it opens another window as “apple pie” uses “brown eggs”.

    Is this possible?

    If not possible out if the box, would you be willing to let me hire you to accomplish this?


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