@vishanjad No it’s a simple iframe embed code. It has a console / backend at their site that you can do ALL KINDS of customizations, permissions, etc. And you can setup UNLIMITED channels. Meaning you can have 20 sites and embed chat (which is true real-time chat!) on all 20 sites using example your Channel #1.
Then if you want you can create another Channel #2, and even put that on just 5 of those 20 sites, thus giving you fully customized separate real-time chats on 20 sites, with 5 of them having yet another separate chat. You could literally Channel #1 and Channel #2 chats side by side on the same page, and they both have their own access permissions (as in logged in, logged out, member, non member, etc) And all of the chats are true real-time on all sites!
Here are 2 screenshots, one is a NSFW view and the other is safe blurred.
I’m developing live webcam with chat and many other features. When you look to the right is the ‘chat’. As you can see it allows for complete customization from all color options of elements, custom user avatars, fonts, and much more.
I’m using a Channel just for this page which allows logged in and non logged viewers.
Dynamically, I’m using a Channel #2 that shows on the page IF you are a member and logged in.
And I’m also using a Channel #3 IF a viewer goes private, 1 on 1. So that chat consists of just the 2 people only.
But as you can see the real time chat is implemented, styled, permissions, sounds, even have moderator permissions, etc.
By the way, the different social media buttons at the bottom are there just for testing lol.. clicking those buttons changes the model’s little graphic box above the chat to a corresponding graphic.
SAFE screenshot:
NOT safe screenshot: