Hi @nicholasjcoleman,
i just checked on one of my servers, but can’t reproduce by using these steps:
- Upload a new image 01.jpg with a size of 5000×4000 Pixels – images is uploaded as “01.jpg”, “01-scaled.jpg” and the image_sizes i defined
- Crop 2 images by using the “group by ratio” -> no image is deleted, images are cropped
- Crop 2 images by using the “select by ratio” -> no image is deleted, images are cropped
- Crop a single image, “thumbnail” size -> no image is deleted, image are cropped
Second test with a smaller image that do not produce a “scaled” version -> no image is deleted, images are cropped.
The tests where called directly from media-gallery.
Can you please test again: for testing please disable all other plugins and use a default theme to verify that the bug is really produced by crop-thumbnail plugin.
If the error still exists: please post a complete step by step guide, how to reproduce.
Thank you