• Thanks for this plugin, it`s exactly what I was looking for.
    However, it still does not work correctly for me, I permanently get this notification popup:

    Warning: the original image is to small to be cropped in good quality with this thumbnail-size.

    My image size is definitely not too small.

    – Custom Image size: 870 x 489px
    – Uploaded Image size: 1936 x 2282px

    Why I am getting this message?
    Or am I understanding something wrong how this plugin works?


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  • Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    Can you post the image anywhere for me, so i can test it?
    Did you have any custom Image size that is as big as the Uploaded Image?

    Thread Starter bento


    Thanks for your reply.

    Re image size, I hope this dummy image works for you:

    Our largest custom size is the one I mentioned:
    870 x 489px

    Not sure what is happening, but I always get the notification that the image is too small to be cropped (whereas it`s clearly not)…

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    Hi bento,
    i tested the dummy image with the settings and got no error (tested with 0.7.2 on WP 3.5).
    Anyways you got a problem, so lets try to solve it:

    • Did this happens only with one special image or with all images?
    • Did you try with an image fresh uploaded? Did you try the dummyimage yourself?
    • even if the error message appears it should be possible to crop the image, try to draw a rectangle on the original image to mark your cropping area then hit the button. Did it work? Whats the result?

    Background informations: the width and height of the image is stored in the db after upload the image. I used this values, maybe there was something wrong, so i get wrong values. On the other hand you should see the db-data in the image-list on the right side.
    Should be:
    size: 870 pixel x 489 pixel (cropped)
    ratio: 290:163

    Hi Volkmar,

    I work with Bento and am now looking into this (sorry for the delay, but we’ve been on holidays over the New Year).

    Anyhow the problems persist. To help solve them, i’ve double checked your

    • Did this happens only with one special image or with all images?
    • Did you try with an image fresh uploaded? Did you try the dummyimage yourself?

    Happens with all images as well as a freshly uploaded dummy image.

    With a freshly uploaded image, I do notice something, however. When I click on “edit image” I can see it has these dimensions: 2448 × 3264.


    But when I click into Crop Thumbnail, it comes up with a “raw” size of 0x0. That appears to be the heart of the problem. Crop Thumbnails is not picking up the raw dimensions and thinks no size exists. See this screenshot.


    One difference with our set up (which is still in development), is that our images aren’t stored in the same location as our WP install. Because of remote developers, we’re storing images on Amazon…

    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    Hi ashkas,
    we have a interesting problem here ??
    Good you say that you use a CDN – i think that the point where the error get’s in.

    I checked where my plugin got the data, it’s directly from the db. So when you upload a new image normale wordpress would store the dimensions of the image into the db ( i get them later with wp_get_attachment_image_src – line 155 in editor.php on version 0.7.2 ).

    I don’t know how you get the images into your CDN but you have to ensure that the image-dimensions are also stored into the DB. Also i do not know if my plugin can handle your image or the thumbs when its stored on a CDN. You have to try. You may change the values testwise in the DB or the file (editor.php) to clearyfy if my Plugin work in your special working development.

    Good luck. Let me know how you solve the problem.

    Thanks for the reply Volkmar.

    Actually some of these questions are for our developer who’s handling the database.

    I think he has some questions for his own :). I believe he’ll post them here.

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