If you have Scheduled Optimization enabled, there will always be a ewww_image_optimizer_auto task, set to run every hour. That task kicks off the scan, but only if there are no images in the queue and a previous scheduled optimization isn’t still running.
The wp_ewwwio_image_optimize_cron task is only present while scheduled optimization is running (busy). It runs?every 5 minutes?to make sure the queue keeps running until all images in the queue are finished. Once complete, it unschedules itself, and should not be in the list of cron jobs.
If you have images in the queue, and only the ewww_image_optimizer_auto task listed, that would likely mean it is still scanning, and hasn’t “dispatched” the optimization process yet (wp_ewwwio_image_optimize_cron). Once the scan is complete, it’ll dispatch the wp_ewwwio_image_optimize queue, and set up the wp_ewwwio_image_optimize_cron task.