In plugin version 3.3.6 we asked our users the consent to anonimously send to our servers some site data: WordPress and PHP version.
If you gave that consent, the cron job will send to our server those data, once every 14 days.
If you did not gave the consent, the cron should not be there at all.
The cron is very fast, do nothing on the server where the plugin runs, and just do non-blocking HTTP request, that runs 2 times in a month… so from a performance point of view, this has pretty much zero effect.
We will remove the cron job once we had collected a good data base (that we will share publicly).
Still, if you want the cron to be removed right now, you need to write the following line of code in a plugin or a MU plugin:
add_action('plugins_loaded', array('Inpsyde_PhoneHome_CronController', 'unschedule'), 20)
Let me know if you need further information or assistance.