Hi Chris,
thanks for your quick response. Actually, I have a pretty specific usecase, but I think your plugin could be a good starting point:
I am using the Restrict Content Pro plugin that generates HTML invoices (those are pretty basic HTML templates that get filled with payment/customer data using parameters). I need to fetch (or save them on the server) the invoices as PDF once a month to import them into my accounting software.
RCP had their own PDF library implemented some time ago but moved to the HTML solution to keep the plugin more lightweight.
Overall, I guess there should be a market for such a plugin, as there are SaaS that provide this feature as a business model (f.e. invoicefetcher.com), but for data security reasons I’d like to not rely on a third party provider.
If adapting your plugin to such a need, I could offer to provide you with my RCP unlimited license to check it out.